We have a vast selection of over 4000 different kinds of Sacred Amulets and Bucha Items, including Buddha Image, Loi Ongk statuettes, Buddhist Monk Coin Amulets, Takrut Charms, Nam Man Prai Oils, Mai Kroo Wands, Mitmor Ritual Knife, Lek Lai Kaya Siddhi Elemental Substance, Kumarn Tong, Gambling Amulets, Mae Nang Prai, Muan Sarn Sacred Powder Amulets, Palad Khik, Animist Charms, Necromantic Amulets, Buddhist, Animist, Brahman and Necromantic Amulets.
This Sacred Holy Prayer Water Bowl is covered in Sacred Khom Agkhara lettering with Pali inscription of Prayers and Incantations, and Sacred Yantra designs. It is one of a very few made with Lineage Blessings of Por Tan Nam and the Khao or Sorcery Masters. The three piece set,from Wat Don Sala was released in the Second edition of the sell-out successful 'Rian Yorn Yuk' edition of Nostalgic monk coins of the Great Guru Master 'Por Tan Nam', ex Abbot of Wat Don Sala and one of the Greatest masters of the Southern Samnak Dtak Sila Khao Or school of Sorcery. Por Tan Nam is revered not only by Thai People, but is highly revered in Singapore, Malaysia and many other Countries. Extremely few were made.
This edition of Amulets and Ritual Bucha Objects from Wat Don Sala, were smelted using the Ancient Formulas in Olden Days Fashion, to reproduce Classic Sacred Buddhist Amulets that are built to survive centuries of use. Highly sacred images of the Great Por Tan Nam are a wonderful addition to this Year's contributions of Sacred Amulets and Bucha Statues for Devotees to have in their homes and wear on their person. Blessed with the Root Lineage and the Invocation of the Spirit of Por Tan Nam, Great Khao Or Master Sorceror and Good Bhikkhu of Wat Don Sala. Por Tan Nam is one of the most Famous Monks for Kong Grapan protection emitted from his Monk Coin amulets. Many Gamblers also Revere his amulets for Choke Lap Power.
The whole edition was empowered in 2 Major Puttapisek Blessing Ceremonies, the first being held on 31st March 2555 BE (2012), at Wat Don Sala in Pattalung, with 29 Master Guru Monks of the Samnak Dtak Sila Khao Or school of Sorcery present to lend their Psychic Empowerments, Prayers and Incantations. Pra Ajarn Utay of Wat Don Sala lit the Victory Candle for the commencement of the Putta Pisek, and Luang Por Iad of Wak Koke Yaem performed the extinguishing of the Candle at the end of the Ceremony.
The second Ceremony was performed in the Sacred Cave at Wat Tham Khao Or on the 10th April 2555 BE, once more with a large array of Great Khao Or Masters to perform the Empowerments. The Brahman Priest who performed the Initiation Ceremony and the Calling of the Devas; the Ceremony was performed by the Great Ajarn Prajuab of the Khao or Lay Sorcerors. The Holy Prayer Water Bowl can be used as a 3 piece set in one composition, or you can lay the Bowl on a table or altar and use the stand as an Offering tray if wished. Depending on your needs.
Made from Nuea Samrit - a Sacred Bronze Alloy, made from Ancient Buddhist Artifacts, Metal Amulets of previous editions, and Yantra Foils with Buddhist Spell Inscriptions and Yantra. The full edition of this Series included this 'Khan Nam Montr' Holy Water Bowl Set, some 5 x 6 and 3 x 5 Inch Bucha statues of Por Tan Nam, some Rian Roop Khai and Rian Sema Monk Coins of Por Tan Nam (In Gold, Silver, Tong Ban Chiang, Nava Loha, Albaca and Tong Daeng metals), some Pra Pid Ta in Sacred lead (2 different Pim), a Pra Kring Loi Ongk Buddha statuette, and some Loi Ongk statuettes of Por Tan Nam.
The Holy Prayer Water Bowl used to be something exclusive to Monks, Ruesi Hermits and Lay Master Ajarns, but in Modern Times, the practice of making Prayer Water Bowls for people to Use in their Household along with their other items of worship to make their own Holy prayer Water has increased. Indeed, it is seen that Water reacts to Prayer, which has even been proven with special photography methods, and that the use of the Holy prayer Water Bowl to make Blessed Water for spraying on yourself and Family members, Wares in Your Store, and to spray on Your foreheads for safety when leaving the House.
The inner face of the Water Bowl is covered in Ancient Khom Buddhist Kata and Sacred Yant Inscriptions, and is not only a Powerful Authentically Blessed and Empowered Buddhist prayer Water Bowl, but also usable (and recommended!) as an 'Apo' Kasina Meditation Object. Apo Kasin, is the practice of Absorption Staring both Externalized and Internalized (alternately), to attain both inner awakening of powers and realizations, purification of Inner Vision, and Elemental Control over Mind and Matter.
The practice of Prayer Chanting to Empower the Holy water in combination with the Psychic Empowerment of Kasina Staring and the Kundalini Awakening which arises from the Kasina practice, can only serve to Increase the extent of the Empowerment. This two faced applied method is recommendable to all Advanced Practitioners.
A most beautiful and Magical Sacred Bucha Item for your Personal or Group Temple or Prayer Room, which inspires and increments the fruits of your Interaction and assists in your Spiritual Generation of Posititive Energy, which is indeed an Essential aspect of the empowerment of Holy Prayer Water.
Even the Base of the Bowl has sacred Yantra Inscription leaving no side uncovered in Sacred Blessings Empowering the Bowl with Buddha Magic.
Info about Kasina Practice
Ajarn Spencer
Thailand Amulets is owned and Administrated by Thai Occult and Amulet expert, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood who guarantees only authentic blessed amulets, and a free gift with every order, as well as his safe delivery or money back guarantee. https://facebook.com/ajarnspencer