Pha Yant Rahu Song Krut (Rahu Asura Deva + Garuda) 16 x 11 Inches Yantra Cloth - Maha Lap Edition - Wat Rakang Kositaram + Extra Blessings by LP Ruay, LP Phad, LP Sukh, LP Mee, LP Pon
Apart from the final Blessing in the release Ceremony of the Pra Somdej Maha Lap Edition amulets of Wat Rakang Kositaram, The Rahu on Garuda yantra Cloth has been passed through several Important Putta Pisek and Taewa Pisek Empowerment Ceremonies from various Master Guru Monks;
Luang Por Nam Mongkol, Luang Por Ruay (Wat Tago), Luang Por Perm (Wat Bom Gaew), Luang Por Phad (Wat Rai).
The Yantra cloths have been empowered with Rahu and Garuda Wicha and the invocations of both as Ruling Devas of the Yantra. The empowerments are very Astrologically Auspicious and designed to Improve Fortunes, and Smooth out the Creases in One's Karma. The Yantra Prevents Inauspicious Downfalls, and shortens the time needed to improve situations, even when life throws the Most Unavoidable Karmic Backlashes at Us.
Above; Yant Paed Daan - eight sided yantra to cover all eight Directions with Protective and Lucky Buddha Blessings.A host of Sacred Yantra spells cover the Spaces between the two Devas.
Above; Yant Mahaniyom/Maha Laluay (Yant Pra Putta Jao Jee Sip Paed Pra Ongk 28 Buddhas Yantra) - for great Metta and Maha Sanaeh,, and to Melt the Anger in your Enemies' Hearts with the Great Preference Yantra.
If you use the yant to improve Business, hand it up high and visible where people will pass by (including yourself). It will point customers towards your wares.
For improving Fate and Fortunes, carry it with you in a high place (top pocket or inside your hat), or in your Car. If in the car, can fold and hang from the Mirror, place in glove compartment or on the ceiling.
Kata and Bucha Method for Pra Rahu Deity
Final Puttapisek was at Wat Rakang Kositaram on the 9th february 2555 BE, along with the 'Pra Somdej Roey Pong Gao' Amulets officially released, which were very attractive Powder Somdejs with powders and gem fragments from previous editions sprinkled over them.
Kat Bucha Paya Krut
คะรุปิจะ กิติมันตัง มะอะอุ โอมพญาครุฑ รุจ รุจแล้วรวย นะได้เงิน นะได้ทอง นะได้ทรัพย์ นะได้บุญบารมี นะมั่นคง นะล้างอาถรรพณ์ นะเจริญ นะรุ่งเรือง นะรุ่งโรจน์ นะเมตตา อธิฐามิ
Om Karubpija Gidtimandtang Ma A U Om Payaa Krut Ruj Ruj Laew Ruay Na Dai Ngern Na Dai Tong Na Dai Sap Na Dai Bun Baaramii Na Mandtang Na Laang Aathan Na Jaroen Na Rung Rueang Na Rung Rojn Na Maedtaa Adtithaami
Mp3 Sound Tutorial files for the above Kata are available for download instantly after purchase from the files tab withon your Customer Account here at thailand-Amulets.Net