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The Second Talk in a series of talks, concludes the introductory part of the series, preparing for the practical stage, by listing Ten short and long term benefits which are received with the practice of Vipassana.
The series will be covering all perspectives and approaches of the practice of Kammathana Vipassana - Mindfulness and Self Transformation, and a guide to understanding what the true purpose and goal is, of Vipassana Practice.
This second talk now continues the initial preamble, following the usual method used in Thai Buddhist temples, of explaining the various benefits which are received from practicing Vipassana. This second talk lists ten main benefits of Vipassana, and Ajarn Spencer delves into some of the deeper aspects which underlie these benefits.
Ajarn Spencer also explains in this second episode, at the beginning about the two different practices of Samatha and Vipassana Meditation, and how both are used in conjunction to support each other, to gain successful results. Ajarn Spencer also explains how and why Samatha Meditation is a tool for Vipassana Practice, and is present in Vipassana, but that Vipassana is not necessarily present when practicing Samatha. After this, Ajarn Spencer goes on to Explain the ten major Benefits of the Practice.
1. Kilesa (Defilement) is reduced, and the causes of future Suffering,
2. Suffering will decrease, and happiness will increase
3. The Power of the World to Influence and Affect You, will decrease
4. The Mind will become Clearer, and See More Deeply into What is Happening, and more wisdom in dealing with situations will arise
5. Selfishness Decreases, and the Ability to see the Usefulness in other beings will arise, and the desire to harm others will decrease, and the desire to help others will increase, through the experience of Vipassana
6. Morality will Increase, making the Sila (Moral precepts), easier to keep naturally, and require less effort. Self Restraint of Impure Intentions, becomes Pure Intentions.
7. It is possible to attain the Nirodha Samabhatti (Arupa Jhana), which is the Highest Bliss any Living Being or Spiritual Being who is not yet a Buddha can attain, and which leads to Abhinya Powers
8. It is possible to become an Arya Bukkala (one of the 4 kinds of Enlightened Person),
9. It is possible to become fully Enlightened as an Arahant (Buddha), and taste the blissfulness of the fruit of enlightenment.
10. It is possible to Attain and Enter the Ultimate - Nibbana.
You can hear this second podcast online here without downloading, by using the below player, or, you can download it by 'purchasing ' this free item, and downloading it from your account afterwards, by signing in and visiting the orders section for the download.
Preceding Episodes
The first lesson which preceded this, covered a synopsis of the list of topics which are discussed in the first section of Volume 1, and gave a basic insight into what is meant by each topic title, in preparation for going into more depth in each topic one talk at a time in the subsequent podcasts.
You can hear the first podcast online here without downloading, by using the below player, or, you can download it by 'purchasing ' this free item, and downloading it from your account afterwards.
"Vipassana - all of it. How to Practice Vipassana. What IS Vipassana Anyway? The Benefits of Vipassana, 3 Marks of Existence, 5 Aggregates, Causes of Vipassana, Obstacles to Vipassana....
How to use meditation and the breath to investigate the 3 Marks of Existence and Within all Things, and Realize the Four Noble truths, and the Path to Enlightenment through the Practice of Vipassana, which Ultimately, when fully realized, leads to Magga (Enlightenment)."
Ajarn Spencer
Thailand Amulets is owned and Administrated by Thai Occult and Amulet expert, Ajarn Spencer Littlewood who guarantees only authentic blessed amulets, and a free gift with every order, as well as his safe delivery or money back guarantee. https://facebook.com/ajarnspencer